Picklist Item Separator

The value of a picklist element, a string, is parsed into a list of substrings on the basis of a list item separator, by default a single space. This default separator can be changed to a different character, such as a comma or pipe (orbar). For example, the element propertyID can be configured as a picklist element with a non-default list item separator, such as a comma:

- propertyID
picklist_item_separator: ','

In this case, a propertyID containing a comma, such as:



would be parsed as a list with two values, as in the example shown in the section Picklist Elements.

Note, however, that because columns in CSVs are, by definition, separated by commas, a value with an embedded comma, as above, must be enclosed in quotes. Exporting to CSV from an Excel spreadsheet yields a result such as the following, where the multiple values in cell A2 are enclosed in quotes:
